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Why Was My Application Denied?

Over the years, we have assisted many clients through the process of applying for credit. Along with lots of approvals, there have been some who were declined. When navigating the reasons for denials, we've found a few that seem to stand out, possibly because they seem so trivial.


We want to make sure business owners understand how some of the smallest details can cause the biggest headaches when your company is applying for business credit.


15 Most-Common Reasons Applications Fail

1. Incorrect or incomplete company name, address, or contact info
The name, address, and phone must be exactly as shown in the business credit file.
Be sure to include the Inc, Corp, or LLC on your business name.
Contact information should reflect for the business, not you personally.


2. Providing an EIN or DUNS number in the SSN slot
If the application requires your SSN, you need to provide it.
A social security number is used to validate the applier's identity.
Only use the EIN number if the application has a specific slot for it.
Only use a DUNS number if there is a specific slot requesting it.
Using any other number in the SSN slot could constitute fraud or identity theft.


3. Applying under a name not shown in the business credit file
Only listed owners or officers are eligible to submit credit applications.
Do not allow anyone outside your business to apply in your name.
It is dangerous to add principals to your file solely for credit purposes.


4. Refusing to agree to personally guarantee
Agreeing to personal guarantee does not mean a PG will be required.
Underwriters may require a guarantor if business credit is insufficient.
Many underwriters require a guarantor for very young businesses.
Business credit is not the same as personal credit in the business name.


5. Misrepresenting corporate data
Don’t misrepresent or inflate your annual income.
Don’t represent personal income as business income.
Misrepresenting any corporate data to achieve credit constitutes fraud.


6. Requesting excessive credit limit amounts
Start small and work your way up by proving positive payment habits.
Lower credit line requests generally are more likely to be approved.
Requesting an aggressively high credit line will often be denied outright.


7. Low personal credit scores
Credit underwriters usually set a base personal FICO requirement.
Higher personal credit scores allow lower interest rates.
Low personal credit scores indicate irresponsible or slow payment habits.


8. Having a freeze, block, or fraud alert on the personal credit report
These can keep creditors from being able to verify your identity.
May keep creditors from being able to verify base FICO criteria.
This could indicate possible fraud or identity theft.
Any uncertain or unknown status indicators can cause denials.


9. Business credit file has no scores, ratings, and history
Business creditors require certain base scores and ratings to be present.
Most business lenders require a full D&B rating to meet their criteria.
Approvals are generally based upon the highest positive payment history.


10. Old bankruptcies, liens, and judgments
Bankruptcies stay on the business credit file for up to 25 years.
Unresolved liens and judgments show irresponsible behavior.
Old, outdated history should be removed before submitting applications.


11. Choosing the wrong type of credit
High dollar purchases are generally established as revolving credit.
Choose a store-only card if you don’t want to personal guarantee.
Choose a major carrier card (VISA/MC) if involving personal credit is OK.


12. Repeat or multiple applications to same creditor
If denied, most creditors prohibit a new application for 6 months.
Don't apply to several companies under the same carrier at the same time.
Credit applications should always be kept to a minimum to reduce risk.


13. Applying to a company you already have bad history with
If you failed to make personal payments, you will be denied business credit.
If you defaulted on a business or personal account, you may be denied.
Creditors have long memories and many affiliated or partner providers.


14. Applying for credit outside your general trade
There are some types of credit your company will not likely need or be qualified to apply for. Some companies who offer working capital, for instance, cannot lend to real estate, consulting, or trucking companies, among others.


15. Mass applications within a short period of time
Multiple inquiries indicate desperation and can raise risk ratings sharply.
Multiple applications generally indicate a possibility of identity theft.
Too many applications submitted at once throw up red flags of risk.


When you are working to achieve credit for your business, the goal is to get the credit your company needs, while also improving your corporate credit payment history. The last thing you need is to have all you've accomplished stripped away. If you have questions about any of these application issues, please get answers by scheduling a free consultation by calling 800-918-7505 today.


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  • Update the business information in your file

  • Dispute removable slow payments

  • Challenge outdated public filings

  • Gather your existing vendors and suppliers

  • Submit your trade references to D&B

  • Track your updates and scoring improvements

  • Send you an updated report as changes occur

  • Establish new trade lines for your business

  • Advise you against potentially risky behavior

  • Provide companies who can report payment history to the business credit bureaus

  • Register your business with

  • Provide you with guidelines and the training you'll need to keep making progress

  • Refer you to trustworthy lending sources for working capital and business lines of credit

  • Walk you through the application process and answer your questions along the way

  • Keep you on a consistent track to success


The opinions expressed on this website are those of Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC and its ownership.
Information is provided on this website for insight, educational and training purposes only.

Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC is not affiliated with Dun & Bradstreet or any other commercial credit bureau. If a bureau, product or service is mentioned by name, it is for informational purposes only and not as an endorsement, representation or recommendation for the named bureau, product or any service they may offer.
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Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC
11504 Joy Street   |   Austin, TX 78748
Phone / Fax  (800) 918-7505
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